Gold Mining

Gold Gravity Concentration

Gold Gravity Concentration

Gold Gravity Concentration/Gold Beneficiation
Mexico Project Of Gold Gravity Concentration, Gold Beneficiation
Plant flow sheet for the gravity separation of sulphides and noble metals from alime dams.
Introduction of Gold Gravity Concentration/Gold Beneficiation:
The De-sliming in the process is the most critical part of the procedure. Slime tends to put the heavy minerals into a suspension which carries the minerals and metals with it and the result is the poor or insignificant in a gravity separation system.
This System is designed to firstly rid the material from slime and then separate the desired material from silica and other unwanted residues.
The classifier in the system are designed to take in material at a high velocity with Asg of 1,3 or less.A surface active agent is added to the recycled water to enhance the separation process.
Inside the classifier the water flow is reduced by mesna of a wear system that reduces the veloctiy from ultra-high to virtually zero.
This process allows coarse material as well as heavy particles to drop and the slime fraction to overflow. the overflow goes to another wearer sump where the water is sepearated from the slime. Water goes back into the system. Slime is checked for metal residues and pumped away to the slimes dam.
The system is for proof and fast.
Plant Technical Flow of Gold Gravity Concentration/Gold Beneficiation
1,dewatering screen to separate organics ,lumps and other undesired material.
2,classifiers to divide by fraction and density.
3,classifier overflows to settling sump for water recycling and tailings handling.
4,classifier product to shaking tables by fraction and density.
5,shaking table residue to recycling sump.
6,concentrate to be shipped to refinery.


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